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TSC Awards!


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Offline GerbilSoft

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TSC Awards!
« on: December 20, 2007, 11:55:32 pm »
Today, I implemented the basics of the TSC Award System. Currently, it supports non-automated stats (i.e. given out by administrators) and several automated stats, including:

- Most Records
- Most AntiRecords
- Most Submissions
- Most Championships

These awards will automatically be given out to users who qualify for them. If you no longer qualify for an award that you have, you will not lose the award; however, it will be marked as "expired". Note that the award display system doesn't show if an award is expired right now.

To view awards, you can click the "Awards" link in your profile, or click the "New Awards" button in the navigation menu to see the awards given out in the past week.

Also, if anyone can make some good base images for the awards, please do so. By base image, I mean it should have areas where the member's name and the award date can be overlaid using PHP's gd library. (Oh yeah, and PNG format is preferred.)

EDIT: If you click on an award name in the "New Awards" page, it'll take you to the same page. Likewise, clicking on an award name on a member's "Awards" page will take you to the "Awards" page. This is because I haven't implemented per-award pages yet. <_<
« Last Edit: December 21, 2007, 12:44:46 am by GerbilSoft »

Offline Cutiefox

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Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2007, 12:21:52 am »
This is awesome!

I can make some base images, is there anything specific they should be like?
And as long as the image is PNG, can it be drawn by hand and sized down?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2007, 12:28:21 am by DarkspinesCutiefox »

Offline GerbilSoft

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Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2007, 12:34:21 am »
I guess a hand-drawn award would be OK. Just leave some blank areas for the name and date.

I'm not really sure what most of the awards should look like, to be honest. I'm not really the creative-type person who would come up with that sort of thing - I'm the guy who does the backends. <_<

Offline Cutiefox

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Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2007, 02:33:25 am »
Thanks! I have some good ideas for the awards you listed, so I'll start drawing them.

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2007, 05:04:26 pm »
Sweet, but ME? Most Anti-Records?!

Wait... 16 PAGES??!! WHAT THE?!
All this time I thought I only had ONE PAGE!!! >_<

Well, the Sonic06 stats aren't a surprise as they were mostly first-time run-throughs but I'm going to have to sit through this and fix them, that's for sure...

But aside form that, I can't wait to see the other new awards.
Championship awards ftw! (Not just for CURRENT champion holders.)

What other awards are you going to add GS?
Oh, and GS, you own. Srsly. You're keeping this site together and that's VERY commendable considering.

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Offline Cutiefox

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Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2007, 01:17:04 pm »
I only made two for now, they're attached here. Both of them are PNG with transparent background.

The one with Sonic is for the 'Most Championships' award. In case you can't tell, he's holding [and wearing] a bunch of gold medals.
The one with Tails is for the 'Most Stats Submitted' award. He's admiring his wall full of stats! :D

Tell me what you think, please. :)

Edit: Thanks, ks8!
« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 08:05:55 pm by DarkspinesCutiefox »

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2007, 02:09:45 pm »
Great ideas! Pretty good execution, too. I like the Tails one.
Maybe I'll try designing some after all. :)

GS, creativity is where I come in.. and Cutiefox of course. But creativity is one of my strong points.

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Offline eggFL

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2007, 02:22:26 pm »
the thought crossed my mind that I should try to do them...

but I don't know how big they should be. I also don't know how to make the background color of an image invisible.

Offline X-5

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2007, 02:26:14 pm »
finally the awards do something, the current ones kinda suck though(who cares about most anti records or most submissions for example?) both could be obtained by the worst player ever(well anti records award kinda requires that hehe) but hey atleast we finally have them.

I am leaving it up to you guys to think of some super awesome ideas for future awards, make them interesting!

Offline X-5

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2007, 04:23:55 pm »
oh and no i am not saying you suck if you get either of those 2 awards (good players can get them too) it is just obvious that sucky players have the advantage towards getting them, since they can just submit a sucky stat to every division in every sonic game and easily win both awards.

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Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2007, 04:26:31 pm »
* Pidgey says hi >_>
The moon is so red. Looks like it's going to be a fun night.

Offline GerbilSoft

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Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2007, 04:28:08 pm »
Obviously we're going to implement more awards eventually. The Records and AntiRecords awards were the easiest to start out with.

Now, the question is: How do we decide between the various Award graphics? <_< Cutiefox has designed some good ones, but so has SkyLights. Maybe a voting topic later?

Offline Taillow

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Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2007, 05:28:29 am »
I vote sprites.  They're familiar.

Offline GerbilSoft

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Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2007, 05:00:59 pm »
I added a new award today: the "Zero-Point Championship" Award. This award is granted to players who manage to #1 all charts on a game, which ends up giving them 0 points on the Overall chart.

Four players currently have this award on TSC. If you check the "New Awards" column, you'll notice an odd number in the "Value" column for this award. That number is the Game ID. Later I'll have it show the actual game name instead.

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2007, 09:57:28 am »
I have LOTS of ideas for Awards and I can definitely try making some graphics as that's my area of expertise (more or less), other than creativity, of course.

If you're interested, I can share.

Championship - Held for 2 to 3Months
Championship - Held for 4 to 5 Months
Championship - Held for 6 to 12 Months
Championship - Held for a Year!

Freestyle Award(s)?

Least Anti-Records

Contribution PTS - Over 1000
Contribution PTS - Top 5/Top 10

Submitted a 1st Place Vid
Submitted an Intensive Guide
Submitted a Map
^ Maybe not...

Sitewide Ranking - Top 5/Top 10/Top 20/Top 30/Top 40/Top 50
Forum Posts - 500+
Forum Posts - 1000+
Forum Posts - 1500+
Forum Posts - 2000+
Subjected to the Moron Archive (the Most?)
Old-School Player (Most/Best records and ranks are for old-school games)
Next-Gen Player (Most/Best records and ranks are for newer, more recent games)
Expert Treasure Hunter - SA
Expert Treasure Hunter - SA2B - Knuckles
Expert Treasure Hunter - SA2B - Rouge
Expert Treasure Hunter - Overall
All A Ranks Achieved - SA2B/Heroes/ShTH/Rush/SRA/Rivals/Rivals 2/S06
Kart Racer - Drift
Kart Racer - Drift 2
Kart Racer - SA
Kart Racer - SA2B
Expert Kart Racer - Overall

Some of these awards, such as the "Expert Treasure Hunter" that aren't "Overall" achievements, should be granted to the Top 3 or 5. The Overall should stick with one person.

ShTH - Best Path
SA/Sa2B/Fighters - Best Character
Heroes - Best Team

^ I don't know how to word these three, esp. the Heroes ones.

Integrity Award
- Great name, but it lacks substance (i.e., I don't know what would justify earning this award. Maybe for having legit stats that haven't been proven otherwise to be false.) Basically involves not cheating, "pure" competition I guess. Do with this idea what you will but keep the name if you can.

An Award for being a Prominent Member

Membership - 2 Years
Membership - 3 Years
Membership - 4 Years+
^ Mmm.. maybe not.

An Award for admins who properly exercise justice, are semi-regular in doing their responsibilities and who generally make TSC a better place I guess.

Submitted Stats for 10 Games or More
Submitted Stats for 15 Games or More
Submitted Stats for 20 Games or More

Some sort of award for amazing video runs.

Badly Beaten Record (re-wording needed but you get the idea)
Very Close Record (more than one? people have done this more than once on some stages.)

I was thinking an award for completing Gems' Museum but I changed my mind. Especially since you can't measure that by someone's stats.

Let me know what you think.
I'm just spilling out ideas here - it's what I do. I have more if you'd like to hear them.

Also, like I said before, I can help with graphics. Just say the word and I can start. Anyone's in particular you need ideas/help with? If you tell me now, I can start with prelimnary sketches, etc. and move onto Photoshop or whatever else I need to make them. And you said PNG ftw, right. I'll have to remember that.

I'll come up with preliminary sketches for existing awards today most likely if not, then I'll keep you posted as to my ideas. Oh, and I was thinking use less-traditional characters for some of the awards (i.e, Chaotix, Chaos, Tikal, etc.)


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Offline Ring Rush

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2008, 02:26:44 am »
Looking through ks8s list, I thought it might be a good idea to repost my list >_>.

Leadership Awards
All are obtained by getting a leadership in the respective divisions. (Suggestion: These only go into effect X days after the game is added on TSC, to prevent the first submitter from getting these awards.)

S1 'Speed Demon'
S1 'Lord of the Rings'
S1 'The Points Do Matter'
S1 'Specialist'

S2 'Speed Demon'
S2 'Lord of the Rings'
S2 'The Points Do Matter'
S2 'Specialist'

SCD 'Speed Demon'
SCD 'Lord of the Rings'
SCD 'The Points Do Matter'
SCD 'Specialist'

S3 'Speed Demon'
S3 'Lord of the Rings'
S3 'The Points Do Matter'
S3 'Clockbreaker'

S&K 'Speed Demon'
S&K 'Lord of the Rings'
S&K 'The Points Do Matter'

KC 'Speed Demon'
KC 'Lord of the Rings'
KC 'The Points Do Matter'
KC 'Specialist'

SA(DX) 'Speed Demon'
SA(DX) 'Lord of the Rings'
SA(DX) 'The Points Do Matter'
SA(DX) 'Boss Tamer'
SA(DX) 'Race-ist'

SA2(B) 'Speed Demon'
SA2(B) 'Lord of the Rings'
SA2(B) 'The Points Do Matter'
SA2(B) 'Boss Tamer'
SA2(B) 'Race-ist'

SH 'Speed Demon'
SH 'Lord of the Rings'
SH 'The Points Do Matter'
SH 'Boss Tamer'
SH 'Extravagant'

ShtH 'Speed Demon'
ShtH 'Lord of the Rings'
ShtH 'The Points Do Matter'
ShtH 'Boss Tamer'

S06 'Speed Demon'
S06 'Lord of the Rings'
S06 'The Points Do Matter'

SSR 'Speed Demon'
SSR 'The Points Do Matter'
SSR 'Boss Tamer'
SSR 'Chainiac

S1GG 'Speed Demon'
S1GG 'Lord of the Rings'
S1GG 'The Points Do Matter'

S2GG 'Speed Demon'
S2GG 'Lord of the Rings'
S2GG 'The Points Do Matter'

SC 'Speed Demon'
SC 'Lord of the Rings'
SC 'The Points Do Matter'

STT 'Speed Demon'
STT 'Lord of the Rings'
STT 'The Points Do Matter'

SPA 'Speed Demon'
SPA 'Lord of the Rings'
SPA 'The Points Do Matter'
SPA 'Specialist'

SAdva 'Speed Demon'
SAdva 'Lord of the Rings'
SAdva 'The Points Do Matter'
SAdva 'Specialist'

SAdva2 'Speed Demon'
SAdva2 'Lord of the Rings'
SAdva2 'The Points Do Matter'
SAdva2 'Specialist'
SAdva2 'Boss Tamer'

SAdva3 'Speed Demon'
SAdva3 'Lord of the Rings'
SAdva3 'Specialist'
SAdva3 'Boss Tamer'

Rush 'Speed Demon'
Rush 'Lord of the Rings'
Rush 'The Points Do Matter'
Rush 'Boss Tamer'
Rush 'Clockbreaker'

SRA 'Speed Demon'
SRA 'Lord of the Rings'
SRA 'The Points Do Matter'
SRA 'Boss Tamer'
SRA 'Clockbreaker'
SRA 'Extravagant'

SD 'Speed Demon'

SD2 'Speed Demon'

SR 'Speed Demon'

Riders 'Clockbreaker'
Riders 'Race-ist'

Rivals 'Speed Demon'
Rivals 'Lord of the Rings'
Rivals 'The Points Do Matter'
Rivals 'Boss Tamer'

StF 'Speed Demon'

SB 'The Points Do Matter'

SJ 'Speed Demon'


Chart Completion Awards
If you get orange in ALL charts (oustide of freestyle) in a specific game, you get the Competitor title. If you get red in ALL charts (outside of freestyle) in a specific game, you get the Veteran title.

S1 ‘Competitor’
S2 ‘Competitor’
SCD ‘Competitor’
S3 ‘Competitor’
S&K ‘Competitor’
KC ‘Competitor’
SA(DX) ‘Competitor’
SA2(B) ‘Competitor’
SH ‘Competitor’
ShtH ‘Competitor’
S06 ‘Competitor’
SSR ‘Competitor’
S1GG ‘Competitor’
S2GG ‘Competitor’
SC ‘Competitor’
STT ‘Competitor’
SPA ‘Competitor’
SAdva ‘Competitor’
SAdva2 ‘Competitor’
SAdva3 ‘Competitor’
Rush ‘Competitor’
SRA ‘Competitor’
SD ‘Competitor’
SD2 ‘Competitor’
SR ‘Competitor’
Riders ‘Competitor
Rivals ‘Competitor’
StF ‘Competitor’
SB ‘Competitor’
SJ ‘Competitor’

S1 ‘Veteran’
S2 ‘Veteran’
SCD ‘Veteran’
S3 ‘Veteran’
S&K ‘Veteran’
KC ‘Veteran’
SA(DX) ‘Veteran’
SA2(B) ‘Veteran’
SH ‘Veteran’
ShtH ‘Veteran’
S06 ‘Veteran’
SSR ‘Veteran’
S1GG ‘Veteran’
S2GG ‘Veteran’
SC ‘Veteran’
STT ‘Veteran’
SPA ‘Veteran’
SAdva ‘Veteran’
SAdva2 ‘Veteran’
SAdva3 ‘Veteran’
Rush ‘Veteran’
SRA ‘Veteran’
SD ‘Veteran’
SD2 ‘Veteran’
SR ‘Veteran’
Riders ‘Competitor
Rivals ‘Veteran’
StF ‘Veteran’
SB ‘Veteran’
SJ ‘Veteran’


Other Awards

'Record Setter' - Have the most records on the site.
'Failure' - Have the most antirecords on the stie.

'Rite of Passage' - Get 25 seconds or better in Green Hill Zone.
'Miserable Failure' - Submit, yet don't have the record in Final Zone.

'Pro' - Get into the top 20 sitewide.
'Master' - Get into the top 10 sitewide.
'Legend' - Get into the top 5 sitewide.

'Versatile' - Get orange or better in five games.
'Multi-Talented' - Get red or better in five games.

'Completionist' - Submit to 75% of the charts on TSC.
'Fanatical Completionist' - Submit to 100% of the charts on TSC.

'Dual Championships' - Hold two championships at the same time.
'TSC Elite' - Hold three championships at the same time.
'Championship Hogger' - Hold five championships at the same time
Current Championships: SSR (5/26/08-Now)
Current Leaderships: SSR Chains [0 Point], SC Rings [0 Point], SSR Scores [0 Point], S3D Rings [0 Point], SSR Times, SSR Bosses
Past Leaderships: SA2 Rings, S1GG Rings, SUWii Rings, SBK Times, SBK Chains, SRA Rings, SRA Scores

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Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2008, 07:16:32 am »
I remain of the opinion that leadership awards should only kick in at 100%. (And if there's only one category in a game, its leadership shouldn't count either.) Everything else makes for a good start though.

Rolken's mentioned something about having seven different "types" of award for the major games - obviously extending beyond mere times, rings and scores. He also said it shouldn't be patently obvious stuff that the awards track.

also "The Points Do Matter" really is a shit name. I gave it a bit of thought but couldn't come up with anything better than "High Scorer" - someone else think of something.

<3 Thorn.

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2008, 09:39:04 am »
Stellar list RR. Except you didn't have to do all that. But whatever.
Everyone else's ideas should be addressed to.

I could make a Word document for everyone to keep track of all the ideas but that would be getting right back to my Competition Suggestion topic. >_>

Aaanyway, yse, I'll think of something. No worries.
It's with Scores so...

I'll keep editing with ideas. You pick which one if you can't come up with anything.
Without prolonged forethought, here's one. Others will appear shortly.

-Points Master (XD)
-Score Settler
-something along the lines of "Brownie Points" with a Sonic twist. (Again, XD)
-Point-Blank Visionary (best I got thus far)

I'm still thinking though...

And yeah, TPDM isn't the greatest name but Speed Demon, and LOTR are great names.

What consititutes the Clockbreaker and "Race-ist" awards?
« Last Edit: January 01, 2008, 09:56:28 am by knuckles_sonic8 »

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Offline Selphos

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Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #18 on: January 01, 2008, 11:12:55 am »
Time Attack and Race, respectively.
The moon is so red. Looks like it's going to be a fun night.

Offline Ben

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #19 on: January 01, 2008, 12:54:13 pm »
Impossible - Beat a record that was thought to be maxed out - or maybe just beat a record which had a lot of tied 1st places

About time - Beat a record which has stood for over 3 years

Helpful - Submitted a guide which over 10 people have found helpful

For the last one, would it be possible to have some sort of ratings for guides, where you can say if it was useful, or a waste of space?

Some guides such as SDM's Night Carnival Boss guide certainly deserve some recognition.

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #20 on: January 01, 2008, 01:24:08 pm »
Ben, instead of "Helpful", how about "Mentor"?
I think that'd be a better name but it could be argued otherwise I guess.

So what aobut all the Award suggestions from the other topic. I'll be starting that Word document to help GS out if he wants me to just for the sake of keeping everything more organized than individualized posts I guess.

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Offline Ring Rush

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2008, 01:37:10 pm »
also "The Points Do Matter" really is a shit name. I gave it a bit of thought but couldn't come up with anything better than "High Scorer" - someone else think of something.

Exactly, I brought that up in chat multiple times, but nobody seems to give a good name. All I can think of is Score Hero, but that might be copying >_>

Also, I agree you should only get a leadership award at 0 points, but nobody else did when I brought the idea up.
Current Championships: SSR (5/26/08-Now)
Current Leaderships: SSR Chains [0 Point], SC Rings [0 Point], SSR Scores [0 Point], S3D Rings [0 Point], SSR Times, SSR Bosses
Past Leaderships: SA2 Rings, S1GG Rings, SUWii Rings, SBK Times, SBK Chains, SRA Rings, SRA Scores

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #22 on: January 01, 2008, 01:45:50 pm »
I just gave you some ideas. <_<

oh and no i am not saying you suck if you get either of those 2 awards (good players can get them too) it is just obvious that sucky players have the advantage towards getting them, since they can just submit a sucky stat to every division in every sonic game and easily win both awards.

He's got a point.
I don't suck... far from it. Okay maybe not that far in some people's eyes but I can hold my ground.
I just submit stats when I first do a level and go back later. Sometimes, though, like with Secret Rings and S06 and Shadow, I can't go back because I rented/borrowed the game, and I'd have to own it to improve my stats - which I will soon (S06 and maybe SatSR).

I'm still in disbelief that I got that award... XD
« Last Edit: January 01, 2008, 01:52:05 pm by knuckles_sonic8 »

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Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #23 on: January 01, 2008, 03:06:37 pm »

Legend: Getting into the Top 5 Sitewide Rankings
Master: Getting into the Top 10 Sitewide Rankings
Pro: Getting into the Top 20 Sitewide Rankings
Amateur: Getting into the Top 50 Sitewide Rankings
Rookie: Getting into the Top 100 Sitewide Rankings
_____: Getting Platinum on 5 or more Games
Multi-Talented: Getting Red on 5 or more Games
Versatile: Getting Orange on 5 or more Games
_____: Most Rings, Sitewide
_____: Getting Platinum on 5 or more Games
Miserable Failure: Submitted a stat for Final Zone in S1, yet, does not have the record.
 _____: Beating 5 Records by a Second or Less
_____: Beating 10 Records by a Second or Less
_____: Beating 20 Records or More by a Second or Less
Rite of Passage: Get 25 Seconds or better on Green Hill Zone in S1
Coming of Age: Get....? (I came up w/ this. Something along the same lines of GHZ. Maybe go further with this idea into another "developed" award?)
Completionist: Submit to at least 75% of the charts on TSC.
Fanatical Completionist: Submit to at least 90% of the charts on TSC.
Dual Championships: Hold two championships at the same time.
TSC Elite: Hold three championships at the same time.
Championship Hog: Hold five championships at the same time.
Persistent: Regained a Championship after Losing First Place
_____: Has been a Champion of 2 different games at one point or another
_____: Has been a Champion of 3 different games at one point or another
_____: Has been a Champion of 5 different games at one point or another
_____: Has been a Champion of 10 different games at one point or another
The 100 Club: Obtain 100 Sitewide Points
The 200 Club: Obtain 200 Sitewide Points
The 300 Club: Obtain 300 Sitewide Points
The 400 Club: Obtain 400 Sitewide Points
The 500 Club: Obtain 500 Sitewide Points
_____: Holding a Championship along for 3 months
_____: Holding a Championship along for half a year
Sweet Victory: Holding a Championship along for a year
Awesome Victory: Holding a Championship along for two years or more!
Serious Contender/Competitor: Stole a record on a game with 50 or more competitors.
_____: Least Anti-Records
_____: Being the Number 1 TSC Contributor
_____: Getting into the Top 5 Contributors
_____: Getting into the Top 10 Contributors
_____: Getting into the Top 25 Contributors
_____: Participates in 10 Game Competitions
_____: Participates in 15 Game Competitions
_____: Participates in 20 or More Game Competitions
Elite Participant: Participates in 30 or More Game Competitions
_____: Submitted a 1st Place Vid
_____: Submitted five 1st Place Vids
_____: Submitted ten 1st Place Vids
_____: Submitted twenty or more 1st  Place Vids
_____: Submitted a guide with 250 hits.
_____: Submitted a guide with 500 hits.
_____: Submitted a guide with 1000 hits or more.
_____: Has 500 Forum Posts.
_____: Has 1000 Forum Posts.
_____: Has 1500 Forum Posts.
_____: Has 2000 or more Forum Posts.
_____: Subjected to the Moron Archive
_____: Subjected to the Moron Archive more than once.
Old-School Player: Most/Best records and ranks are for old-school games
Next-Gen Player: Most/Best records and ranks are for newer, more recent games
Master Treasure Hunter: Has the most records in any treasure-hunting stage across TSC’s games.
Expert Treasure Hunter: Has the 2nd most records in any treasure-hunting stage across TSC’s games.
Pro Treasure Hunter: Has the 3rd most records in any treasure-hunting stage across TSC’s games.
Kart Racer: Has the most records in any Kart stage in SA or SA2(B).
Team Player: This user’s best stats stem from Sonic Heroes. (etc., use for other games as well?)
Triple Blue Threat: This user’s best stats from Sonic Heroes stem from divisions for Team Sonic.
Triple Dark Threat: This user’s best stats from Sonic Heroes stem from divisions for Team Dark.
Triple Green Threat: This user’s best stats from Sonic Heroes stem from divisions for Team Chaotix.
Triple Rose Threat: This user’s best stats from Sonic Heroes stem from divisions for Team Rose.
Integrity Award: ??? – needs clarification
Prominent Member: This user is a Prominent Member.
Ultimate Record Breaker: Beat a record badly in 20 classes or more. (or 10?)
Master Record Breaker: Beat a record badly in 10 or more classes. (or 5?)
Expert Record Breaker: Beat a record badly in one class.
Mentor: Submitted a guide which over 10 users found very useful.
______: Beat a record which stood untouched for a year or longer.
______: Beat a record where there were more than 10 ties for 1st Place.

RR’s IDEAS: (“The Points Do Matter” is subject to name change.)
S1 'Speed Demon'
S1 'Lord of the Rings'
S1 'The Points Do Matter'
S1 'Specialist'

S2 'Speed Demon'
S2 'Lord of the Rings'
S2 'The Points Do Matter'
S2 'Specialist'

SCD 'Speed Demon'
SCD 'Lord of the Rings'
SCD 'The Points Do Matter'
SCD 'Specialist'

S3 'Speed Demon'
S3 'Lord of the Rings'
S3 'The Points Do Matter'
S3 'Clockbreaker'

S&K 'Speed Demon'
S&K 'Lord of the Rings'
S&K 'The Points Do Matter'

KC 'Speed Demon'
KC 'Lord of the Rings'
KC 'The Points Do Matter'
KC 'Specialist'

SA(DX) 'Speed Demon'
SA(DX) 'Lord of the Rings'
SA(DX) 'The Points Do Matter'
SA(DX) 'Boss Tamer'
SA(DX) 'Race-ist'

SA2(B) 'Speed Demon'
SA2(B) 'Lord of the Rings'
SA2(B) 'The Points Do Matter'
SA2(B) 'Boss Tamer'
SA2(B) 'Race-ist'

SH 'Speed Demon'
SH 'Lord of the Rings'
SH 'The Points Do Matter'
SH 'Boss Tamer'
SH 'Extravagant'

ShtH 'Speed Demon'
ShtH 'Lord of the Rings'
ShtH 'The Points Do Matter'
ShtH 'Boss Tamer'

S06 'Speed Demon'
S06 'Lord of the Rings'
S06 'The Points Do Matter'

SSR 'Speed Demon'
SSR 'The Points Do Matter'
SSR 'Boss Tamer'
SSR 'Chainiac

S1GG 'Speed Demon'
S1GG 'Lord of the Rings'
S1GG 'The Points Do Matter'

S2GG 'Speed Demon'
S2GG 'Lord of the Rings'
S2GG 'The Points Do Matter'

SC 'Speed Demon'
SC 'Lord of the Rings'
SC 'The Points Do Matter'

STT 'Speed Demon'
STT 'Lord of the Rings'
STT 'The Points Do Matter'

SPA 'Speed Demon'
SPA 'Lord of the Rings'
SPA 'The Points Do Matter'
SPA 'Specialist'

SAdva 'Speed Demon'
SAdva 'Lord of the Rings'
SAdva 'The Points Do Matter'
SAdva 'Specialist'

SAdva2 'Speed Demon'
SAdva2 'Lord of the Rings'
SAdva2 'The Points Do Matter'
SAdva2 'Specialist'
SAdva2 'Boss Tamer'

SAdva3 'Speed Demon'
SAdva3 'Lord of the Rings'
SAdva3 'Specialist'
SAdva3 'Boss Tamer'

Rush 'Speed Demon'
Rush 'Lord of the Rings'
Rush 'The Points Do Matter'
Rush 'Boss Tamer'
Rush 'Clockbreaker'

SRA 'Speed Demon'
SRA 'Lord of the Rings'
SRA 'The Points Do Matter'
SRA 'Boss Tamer'
SRA 'Clockbreaker'
SRA 'Extravagant'

SD 'Speed Demon'

SD2 'Speed Demon'

SR 'Speed Demon'

Riders 'Clockbreaker'
Riders 'Race-ist'

Rivals 'Speed Demon'
Rivals 'Lord of the Rings'
Rivals 'The Points Do Matter'
Rivals 'Boss Tamer'

StF 'Speed Demon'

SB 'The Points Do Matter'

SJ 'Speed Demon'


Chart Completion Awards
If you get orange in ALL charts (oustide of freestyle) in a specific game, you get the Competitor title. If you get red in ALL charts (outside of freestyle) in a specific game, you get the Veteran title.

S1 ‘Competitor’
S2 ‘Competitor’
SCD ‘Competitor’
S3 ‘Competitor’
S&K ‘Competitor’
KC ‘Competitor’
SA(DX) ‘Competitor’
SA2(B) ‘Competitor’
SH ‘Competitor’
ShtH ‘Competitor’
S06 ‘Competitor’
SSR ‘Competitor’
S1GG ‘Competitor’
S2GG ‘Competitor’
SC ‘Competitor’
STT ‘Competitor’
SPA ‘Competitor’
SAdva ‘Competitor’
SAdva2 ‘Competitor’
SAdva3 ‘Competitor’
Rush ‘Competitor’
SRA ‘Competitor’
SD ‘Competitor’
SD2 ‘Competitor’
SR ‘Competitor’
Riders ‘Competitor
Rivals ‘Competitor’
StF ‘Competitor’
SB ‘Competitor’
SJ ‘Competitor’

S1 ‘Veteran’
S2 ‘Veteran’
SCD ‘Veteran’
S3 ‘Veteran’
S&K ‘Veteran’
KC ‘Veteran’
SA(DX) ‘Veteran’
SA2(B) ‘Veteran’
SH ‘Veteran’
ShtH ‘Veteran’
S06 ‘Veteran’
SSR ‘Veteran’
S1GG ‘Veteran’
S2GG ‘Veteran’
SC ‘Veteran’
STT ‘Veteran’
SPA ‘Veteran’
SAdva ‘Veteran’
SAdva2 ‘Veteran’
SAdva3 ‘Veteran’
Rush ‘Veteran’
SRA ‘Veteran’
SD ‘Veteran’
SD2 ‘Veteran’
SR ‘Veteran’
Riders ‘Veteran'
Rivals ‘Veteran’
StF ‘Veteran’
SB ‘Veteran’
SJ ‘Veteran’

That's all I got so far.
It's all in a Word document, GS, so I can update it freely as the case may be. I can attach it upon request.

Also, some of the ones near the start, need a name change, imo, but we can fix that as people start to think srsly about each award, what their objectives are as well as whether the name suits it or not.
Oh, and RR, you put Riders Competitor twice for some reason...

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Offline GerbilSoft

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Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #24 on: January 01, 2008, 06:14:30 pm »
I added the per-category Zero-Point Leadership award names, e.g. "Lord of the Rings".

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2008, 09:26:39 am »

Oh, GS. Last night, I made some preliminary sketches for:
- Expert Treasure Hunter (Naturally, Knux but with sparkling eyes like the one in the Mii Channel.. sorta.. and I also put a big shard beside him like it was blinking from the radar with the clock just behind his head showing that only 1 or 2 seconds have past).
- Rite of Passage (I thought the best way to illustrate this would be a Normal Chao just hatching out of his egg!)
- Moron Archive one (no name; used Big, showed him like he was dazed with eye pupils in opposite directions)
- Old-School Player (Maybe use Sonic running on grass)
- Next-Gen Player (Maybe use SSR/S06/or Brawl photo of Sonic)
- Forum Posts (I actually drew Tails in front of a computer :o! I'm not the greatest artist so it's a feat for me. XD)

GS, what'd you think of "Point-Blank Visionary" instead of "The Points Do Matter"?
Nobody said anything. That's what I came up with yesterday. It could be a little better but it's an improvement, you have to admit.

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Offline Taillow

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Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2008, 09:35:37 am »
- Rite of Passage (I thought the best way to illustrate this would be a Normal Chao just hatching out of his egg!)

Also, "The Points Do Matter" is the best choice for that.  None beat such an awesome choice of words.

Also, I still say it should have been division-champ awards <_<

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2008, 06:13:06 pm »
mike said it sucked... horribly. The name, that is. But whatever, it's your call I guess.

And I may not have been clear as I should have been. The Chao IN Green Hill. :P

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Wants S&S All-Stars Racing

Offline Pokemonmaster888

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #28 on: January 02, 2008, 06:21:44 pm »
Those lists are great ideas for awards, personally. I thought of something, though. Maybe there shouldn't be an award for anything that involves getting the most hits on a guide/video etc., because you can always keep loading the page to get those hits needed for that award.

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: TSC Awards!
« Reply #29 on: January 02, 2008, 06:28:15 pm »
Well, well. If it isn't the dude who rejected my proposal for a Strikers tourney. Heh. XD

But anyway, more related to your actual post, I was beginning to think the same thing.

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Wants S&S All-Stars Racing


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